[yoshiki_of_x.FTW]was a fiddlerHeld 19 Acres at The Sinks in Monroe County, West Virginia.from Jeremiah GoodeHam family history -document 00l. Samuel married Sarah Jane PERRY atLewisburg, Va.(W.Va.) and moved to Kentucky when eldest son, Joseph was12 years old.-When Sarah Jane died Samuel married Elizabeth SCHULTZ when she was 16.After Samuel died Elizabeth married a methodist minister named WOOD.-Samuel was buried at the graveyard at his home place, Sarah Jane & Elizabethwere both buried there too. No marker or monument.-Samuel, a musician, served in the war of the Revolution for 8 years withoutany muster record. It was subsequently learned that the HAM FamilyHistory-document 001 a typewritten unauthored history was in fact infomationtaken from the HAM MANUSCRIPT BY MAJOR GILLESPIE HAM written and dated by himon 7 December 1926.-The following information was taken from the HAM MANUSCRIPT or from ThomasEdward HAMM, Jr, et al: "According to the Ham Manuscript he was a Fiddler,Blacksmith, and Presbyterian Minister. Lived in old Fleming County 7 milesfrom Ryan, Kentucky, now Rowan County. He is buried 1 1/2 miles east of thePine Grove Church on the old home place.-After War married. 13 or more years later moved to Fleming Co. Kentucky NorthFork of Triplett Creek, now Rowan Co. Kentucky according to Ham Manu. The oldhome place is 1 1/2 mile East of Pine Grove Church and had a spring.-Married Elizabeth Perry 12 Apr 1819, marriage records of Greenbrier County,Virginia now West Virginia. Gs Ser 595,039. Vol 1-4, 1780-1849 GreenbrierCounty Marriage Records shows 10 Aug 1789.-Married Elizabeth Schultz 12 Apr 1819, Flemingburg Court House, Fleming County,Kentucky, Book 00,P. 41. Witness was John Offill. Bondsman John Gray. ListedElizabeth's father as Christian Schultz.-A Samuel Ham held 19 Acres in Monroe County, West Virginia at the Sinks, Book1, Page 19, 1802. In Sims Index Land Grants in West Virginia. Info. fromMcKee.-Samuel and his wives were buried in the graveyard on the land a part of whichwas the old home place. This gravesite lies 1 1/4 mile east from the Pine GroveGraveyard on land now owned (1926) by Cassie White wife of Horatio SeymourWhite. Cassie was a daughter of George Ham son of Samuel Ham. According tothe HAM Manuscript, page 8.-Suit in Chancery No. 9008 23 Feb 1843, Flemingsburg, Fleming Co.,Ky: TheCommonwealth of Kentucky. To the Sheriff of Fleming County, Greetings. Wecommand you to Summon: Christian Ham, Elizabeth Ham, Joseph Ham, Daniel Ham,Perry Ham, John Ham, Samuel H. Ham, William B. Ham, George H. Ham, John Whiteand Elizabeth White his wife, Robert Williams and Nelly Williams his wife,Robert Ham, James Hartley and his wife Mary, Chrisopher Ham, Alexander Ham,Martha Ham, Thos Ham, and James Ham to appear beefore the Judge of the FlemingCircuit court, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Flemingsburg, on thefirst day of the next March term to answer a certain Bill in Chancery exhibitedagainst them by John W. Stockwell and this then shall in no wise omit under thepenalty of 100 pounds each and have then there this writ. Witness, Leaken D.Stockton, clerk of the said court, at the court house aforesaid, the 23rd dayof February 1843 and in the 31st year of the commonwealth. Ex d on all, butPerry Ham, Christian Ham, and Joseph Ham, and they are not inhabitants of thisCounty, March 2nd 1843. 1 Jos. Throop, Dpy for Ben. Northcutt, S.F.C., Copy infile from James O. McKee, Jnr.-Date of birth from ages given in 1810, 1820, 1830 and 1840 Census.-1810 Census Fleming Co. Ky: Samuel Ham, Snr., Males: 4 under 10; 2 10-16; 116-26; 1 26-45; Females 1 10-16; 1 26-45; and one over 45.-1820 Census Fleming Co. Ky: Samuel Ham, Snr., Males: 2 under 10; 1 16; 1 16-18;1 18-26; 1 over 45; Females: 2 under 10; 1 16-26.-1830 Census Fleming Co. Ky: Samuel Ham, Snr., Males: 1 under 5; 2 5-10; 110-15; 1 50-60; Females: 1 under 5; 1 10-15; 1 15-20; and one 30-40.-1840 Census Fleming Co. Ky: Samuel Ham, Snr., Males 1 5-10; 2 10-15; 1 15-20; 120-30; 1 60-70; Females: 1 15-20; 1 40-50.-With regard to Samuel Ham, census record indicate that he could not have beenborn before 1770. However, his appearance on the Greenbrier Co. tax lists in1788 indicates that he may have been born by 1776. I think it is out of thequestion that he was born as early as 1750. Perhaps there was another SamuelHam born in 1750 who served in the Revolutionary War. From Suzanne Murray,2130 P. Street, N.#W., Apt 625, Washington, D.C. 20037, 1989.-Fleming Co, KY Suit in Chancery #9008, dated 1843/1844, names the heirs ofSamuel Ham.-Major G. has made a statement the Samuel Ham, Sr., served in the AmericanRevolution in a militia company, and that he served 8 years. I find thisimpossible since the War Started in 1776, and according to the Censuses, Samuelwas born between 1770-1775. He could not have qualified in 1776. Majorfurther stated that Samuel's father settle in Lewisburg, Greenbrier County, WestVirginia about the year 1740. Lewisburg was formed after 1773 I believe,however it was several years before there were any people in the area. I makeseveral trips to that area and found very few records on the Ham surname. Idid find our Samuel Ham's marriage record to Elizabeth Perry, on Aug 10, 1789in Greenbrier County, Va, later became Monroe County, Va. I did find inGreenbrier County, Va., some early records (ca. 1778) pertaining to land thatwas surveyed for a P. Ham, and this land later was given to a William Ham andperhaps a Drury Ham, both revolutionary soldiers. Our Ham line came to Kyafter 1801, and settle on Triplett, near Ryan, Ky. I also found a JeremiahHam, in Fredericks County, Va as early as 1762. Could this be the same Hamfamily that settled on land in Greenbrier County, circa 1778? It could be thatthe P. Ham was a Perry Ham, since Samuel named his son Perry. I have notfound any reference to John Ham and wife Mary Dunwiddy in Greenbrier County,Va. There were some families living there by the name Dunwiddy. From James O.McKee, Jnr. Dec 10, 1986.